JAMA Racing Ministry

It's not about making a point…let's make a difference

Your Words Matter – The Untamable Tongue

While it is often spoken of, it is rarely discussed how our words can shape the lives of those around us. Their impact on all is immense, immediate and carries a far reach impact we may not see or understand.

It’s important we view the significance of how our words are perceived. Little children hang on them, young adults embrace them and those of age internalize them and see themselves through what you may or may not say.

Join us at 7:05 tomorrow morning!


Rock Bottom

In every season of life, you encounter moments where you can shine brightly. Your light is a gift from God, meant to illuminate your path and the paths of those around you.

When you let your light shine, you demonstrate that your light comes from God. It reflects His love, grace, and truth working in and through you. Trusting Him requires faith, allowing His light to shine through your actions and words. This trust can be challenging, especially when new beginnings feel uncertain or overwhelming. Each time you let your light shine, you declare your faith in God’s goodness and His plans for you.

Join us tomorrow morning at 7:05 as we talk about learning to trust the Lord in all circumstances.


Your Path In Life

Living out God’s purpose means aligning our daily actions and decisions with His will. It requires seeking His guidance through prayer and Scripture, listening for His voice, and obeying His promptings. It’s about using our unique gifts and talents to serve others and bring glory to His name. When we live with this perspective, our life takes on new meaning. We begin to see every interaction and task as an opportunity to fulfill God’s plan for our lives. Each plan is based on us as individuals, our life experiences, our desires and

It could be an encouraging word to a coworker, patience with your children, or a helping hand to a neighbor. Though these acts may seem small, they are significant in God’s eyes and contribute to the story He is writing through you.

Join us tomorrow morning at 7:05 as we talk about walking His path for your life. Also, don’t forget, we will celebrate the Lord’s supper!


Don’t Get Stuck!

Daily renewal and transformation begin with filling your thoughts with God’s truth. Spend time in His Word, letting Scripture shape your perspective and guide your decisions. As you meditate on His promises and commands, your thoughts align more with His. The Holy Spirit will work within you, helping you reject the lies and negativity the world often promotes.

It’s easy to get down and get stuck and believe there is no way to move forward in life. Yup, sounds extreme, but it happens. However we have a way out and a way forward.

Join us tomorrow morning at 7:05 as we talk about how to move forward when life hands you hardship.  https://www.youtube.com/live/cAkzDPZ3Z5A

Transformed for His Glory

Joshua Goodling wrote the following in his article, A Transformation, One of the most amazing transformations in God’s creation is when a caterpillar spins itself into a silky cocoon. Inside of that cocoon, that caterpillar radically transforms. And when it emerges from the cocoon, what once was an ugly caterpillar is now a beautiful butterfly. Before it spins itself into that cocoon, it is a caterpillar and crawls around on it’s many legs. However, once it emerges from that transformation, it now has wings and can fly!

Christians, just like the caterpillar, are supposed to be transformed as well. We are to change the way we live, the way we think, the way we act, and all about us once we become a true follower of Jesus Christ. Sound difficult, perhaps, but Jesus we can do all things.

Join us tomorrow morning at 7:05 as we discuss the transformative process of a Christ follower.


Does It Really Matter?

As you walk through life you have to take stock of all that’s going on around you and wonder what really matters in Life. In Luke 15, Jesus was trying His best to get a couple of points across to those He was speaking with in the chapter. They couldn’t see what He was trying to tell them.

Join us tomorrow at 7:05 as we work through the lessons Jesus taught the disciples and those who came to hear Him Speak.


At What Cost?

The commitment to living in godliness provides many opportunities and challenges to rely on God’s favor, grace, protection and provision. As you honor the Lord through your godly lifestyle and excellent spirit, He will honor you.

Remaining steadfast in your faith, even when it means you may face persecution, is the most difficult part of our walk.

Join us tomorrow morning at 7:05 as we learn from the three Hebrew boys who refused to compromise their faith.


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